Monday, January 4, 2010

MRI & Meeting with Surgeon

I had my first MRI this morning. Wow, are those things amazing! Its was kind of a neat experience. Nothing of consequence showed up on the MRI. That's GOOD!

Our meeting with the surgeon went really well. Dr. Livingston spent over an hour and a half with us explaining everything and answering questions. We were both really pleased with her. The DCIS that I have is spread out over about 4 cm. Because of the size of the area where cancer cells may exist, she recommended a mastectomy. However, because the cancer is not invasive (it is fully contained in the milk ducts and would have to genetically change in order to become invasive) she doesn't think I will need chemotherapy or radiation. YEAH! That's a biggie for me! She prefers not to do reconstruction at the time of the surgery (as she wants to get the pathology reports back and make sure I am cancer free before doing reconstruction). The mastectomy will require an overnight stay in the hospital, 1-2 weeks with "drains", and about 4 weeks recovery time. After mastectomy, the reoccurance rate of DCIS on that side is less than 1%. David and I decided to take a few days to pray about this option, if we decide to move forward I could go in for surgery as early as next week.

The other option that we have is a combination of prayer, inner healing, and nutrition. We talked to an amazing woman of God on Saturday who had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and given 6mos. to 2 years to live. She sought the Lord, received prayer & inner healing, and went on a strict diet. Within a year or two she was cancer free. That was 7 years ago. She's not the only one, there's a lot of testimonies from others who have followed the same route. Apparently disease such as cancer grows in an acidic environment but not an alkaline environment. The diet calls for you to eat the food that will create this type of enviroment in your body and boosts your immune system so that the body can fight off disease. I started this same diet Sunday (mostly vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, whole wheat, and LOTS of water). We are considering going this route and monitoring my cancer closely to see if it is healing and make sure it is not growing.

So, please pray for us over the next few days as we make these decisions. Pray that the Lord would speak really clearly to both David & I and that we would be in complete agreement.

Thank you!



  1. We are praying for God's peace to surround you and His wisdom to rest upon you and David in the coming days. Love you Megan!


  2. YAY for everything being okay with the MRI!! Thank God you don't have to go through radiation or Chemo. My dad just finished up radiation and it was no fun. I'll pray for you as you make your decision on treatment.

  3. Hi Megan, I'm so glad that the MRI showed nothing of consequence and I know that God will give you the wisdom you need to proceed! That's really good news about the treatment options and that you wouldn't need radiation or chemo if you opt for the surgery. We continue to pray for you, David and Beckham. All our love, Sue an Dave

  4. Hi Megan, I just sent you a FB message, but another great book is The China Study. It's the most comprehensive study ever done on nutrition. I've been a vegetarian/vegan almost my whole life and it's amazing what it can do for a person. Thanks for starting this blog and letting us be with you on your journey.

  5. Hi Megan!

    Wow, I'm glad you started this blog to keep people posted on how you are feeling. I've been praying for you ever since I read your FB status. Keep us posted. You are a fighter and you've got the Lord on your side.

    -Debbie Burrill

  6. AH Megan, I rejoice with you in the good news and will be praying for your decision. Such a hard one. I pray that you and David are in complete agreement.
    I know you will two will be in deep prayer.
    I am going to ask the LORD to give you a Scripture to hang on to and claim thruout all of this-so that when doubt or life takes you by surprise, you can go back to this verse again and again.
    You are in my prayers daily.
    Mch love,

  7. Hi Megan,
    you dont know us but we are missionaries in Puebla, Mexico, Friends from junior high with Tessie Bozovich, just to let you know that we are praying for you and your family,the route your taking sounds like Daniel's route, what we really want to say is that somethimes we focus in a goal, but God wants to do so much more in the midst of the race.

    Nevarez-McConnell Familiy

  8. Such good news from the MRI - how wonderful to have it that small and not invasive! I am praying for you girl! Another option is to do do BOTH surgery and diet - for future prevention! ;> God loves to hear His children ask for wisdom - I know He will speak and that you will listen. Sounds like He's given you a good doctor too. Will be watching for your next update.
