Thursday, January 7, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

The last couple of days have been a little more stressful. We just want to make the right decision. For now, we have scheduled the surgery for January 28th. That sent off a chain reaction for me yesterday morning of scheduling appointments with the genetic counselors, a reconstructionist, and an oncologist.

I've been doing some research into possible alternative care and found an oncologist in Reno, NV James Forsythe. Not sure if anyone has heard of him. He is a liscensed oncologist and homeopath. Anyways, he pulls from both the side of nutrition/use of natural remedies and from western medicine to come up with a plan that best fits the patient. I really like this idea, and my insurance should cover any care I have with him. He treats a lot of people with stage 4 cancer and has gotten some great results. David's parents & sisters are in Reno, NV and seeing him would be an option for us.

Thats it for us right now. Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for all of the prayers and support!



  1. Megan,
    A friend of mine received some wonderful holistic are at Cancer Treatment Centers of America and they combined traditional therapies with pain relief, nutritional, spiritual and emotional support. They promote the acidic balance thing you were talking about. It's a Christian treatment center. Her husband, who was not a believer said after his first visit there, "It's really different. You can FEEL Jesus when you walk in the door!" They can also work with your doctors long distance, or you can just make occasional visits for consultation, and they will talk by phone with you as well. I was pretty impressed with their level of care. They provide airfare (thru donated frequent flyer miles)to help people come for care. They have a hotel there at the center and only charge a nominal fee per day for room and board. I'm sure you'll get LOTS of suggestions and ideas - just take what fits with where you think God is leading and disregard the rest - including this one! ;>

  2. hi Megan.

    Praise God for your MRI results! Josh's brother Donny has also been receiving wholistic treatment from the Cancer Center of America (in Chicago) and has been on a special diet. He has been really impressed with the care and support of the center. We are praying as you make your treatment decisions. Hope you get to have some down time this week. Love Mari

  3. You have been in my thoughts and prayers everyday, thank you for setting up this blog so we can follow your journey, it's so hard when friends go through things like this and we don't live close enough to help out. But i will track with you each week and walk through this with you guys from a distance. We love you and believe complete healing for you!

  4. Betsy & Mari- I looked into the Cancer Treatment Centers. Seems like a great place, but the only difference they seem to have is that when you go in for chemo or radiation they work with you to boost your immune system first. They reccomend surgery first.
    Dr. Forsythe may recommend surgery first too. I'll have to talk with him. But, he does chemotherapy completely differently. He uses selenium and an herb of some sort instead of chemo. When he does use chemo, he only uses 10-20% of the dose used in "standard care" settings. I believe from what I saw his survival rate for a Stage 4 cancer is around 40-45% compared to about 28% that "standard care" gets. Since I don't need chemo, its kind of a wash unless has some treatment ideas for me that don't involve surgery.

    Claire-thank you for your prayers. It makes all the difference.
