Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A little update

I've been terrible at keeping this blog up to date! Once we decided to trust the Lord for my healing it felt like their wasn't a whole lot to update everyone on. The Lord has been so faithful to us in this season.

I am now 2 1/2 months into my nutritional diet and continuing to learn and grow in it. It's been quite a challenge. Especially when someone leaves cookies around or I break down and make my family brownies!

The woman that David and I spoke to in early January that recovered from stage 4breast cancer through prayer, diet, exercise, and dealing with emotional issues has become a mentor of mine. We've been meeting on a weekly basis --digging through scripture, praying, and talking through nutritional and emotional issues. It has been really good. I have also been meeting with a counselor on a weekly basis.

About 6 weeks ago I felt like Lord telling me that I should take some time to get away and seek Him. I have had plenty of chances, but haven't gone away on a personal trip or retreat in over 5 years. I am going away for a week in mid-April. I am really looking foward to getting some time away to focus on the Lord and the things He's doing in my heart.

In talking with my surgeon, we are able to do a mammogram every 3 months. We are now coming right up on that time, and David and I have decided to have me get a mammogram done. It is scheduled for April 9th. We've been praying that not only would the cancer be gone but that the evidence of cancer (microcalifications) would be gone as well. Please pray with us!